Home >> Rememes for The Memes by 6529 SZN2 >> Rememe Card #67
The last stand
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"COME AND MEME IT!" from @batzdu included in The Museum of #Rememes
— Museum of Rememes (@ReMemesMuseum) March 24, 2023
Compare with the original from "The Memes by @punk6529":
#67 "Come and Take It!" from @Vince_Van_Dough pic.twitter.com/Lie1NHsauZ
"Come and Take It" from @hafftka #Rememes
— Museum of Rememes (@ReMemesMuseum) March 27, 2023
Compare with the original from "The Memes by @punk6529":
#67 "Come and Take It!" from @Vince_Van_Dough pic.twitter.com/RFK1lC46lN
"Come and Take it" from @OxBartender included in The Museum of #Rememes
— Museum of Rememes (@ReMemesMuseum) May 18, 2023
Compare with the original from "The Memes by @punk6529":
#67 "Come and Take It!" by @Vince_Van_Dough pic.twitter.com/TMc6qudWkY
"Freedom to Transact" from @ozbren_xyz included in The Museum of #Rememes
— Museum of Rememes (@ReMemesMuseum) November 28, 2023
Compare with the original from "The Memes by @punk6529":
#67 "Come and Take It!" by @Vince_Van_Dough pic.twitter.com/QKzFkraVGi